What is the Post Office Scam
Post office scammers are after your personal info, bank details, and money
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OK, Got itScammers will try to use many ways to trick you into giving them access to your account. Stay safe by following these tips.
When you find a potential scam message in your text inbox (smishing) or email inbox (phishing), the best thing to do is verify if it is real or not.
Visit the company’s website and get the official hotline or email address there. Use that to confirm if the communication you received is legitimate or a fake.
By doing this and following our other tips, you’ll be able to help keep yourself and your money safe and scam proof!
Post office scammers are after your personal info, bank details, and money
Scammers use search engine ads to mimic brands and target their customers
Find out how you can protect yourself from OTP theft in three easy ways
SHARE A SCAM. Share a scam that you saw to help other people learn how to avoid it!
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