Scam Proof will show you how to avoid internet scams so you can keep your money safe. Read more

Where it is usually done: Email (Phishing), SMS (Smishing)


How it can look

  1. Scammers will pretend to represent your bank or provider.
  2. You will be told that you qualify for a new SIM card.
  3. Scammers will give you reasons to want the new SIM card.
  4. This OTP will allow them to transfer your number to a new SIM card, letting them receive all your messages and calls.

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What it is

This is when a scammer offers to buy your bank account or e-wallet, or offers to pay you to use it to send or receive money. The scammer will usually give a reason for not wanting to open a new account.

If you agree to “sell” your account (which can’t actually be done because the terms of use prohibit this) or let someone else use it, the scammer will use it to do illegal things such as money laundering and purchasing banned items. If the authorities trace the money back to your account, it will look like you were part of this crime and you may be liable.

Don’t be a victim of the money mule scam. Never agree to sell or let someone else use your bank account or e-wallet.


What you should do

If someone offers to buy your bank account or e-wallet or asks to use it for a fee or for free as a favor, never agree. Suggest that they open their own account instead.

To help keep yourself scam proof, you should learn about the different types of scams so you know what to look out for. Read our scam types section and browse our tips to stay safe.

Money Mule Resources

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