Scam Proof will show you how to avoid internet scams so you can keep your money safe. Read more

Where it is usually done: Email (Phishing), SMS (Smishing), Voice Call (Vishing)

How it can look

  1. Scammers will pretend to represent your bank or a known company.
  2. Scammers will try to get your attention with exciting offers like vouchers, discounts, account upgrades, waived fees, etc.
  3. Addressing you via your email address, rather than your first name, is often a sign that this is not an official communication from the company.
  4. Scammers will often instruct you to share your personal or bank info or to click on a link or button which leads to a fake website that will steal your authentication codes or security information like OTP, CVV, etc.


What it is

A scammer pretending to be from your bank or a known company informs you that they are giving away rewards like vouchers, discounts, account upgrades, waived fees, and the like. To claim the vouchers, you may be instructed to click on a link or button. Clicking the link or button leads to a fake website that will ask you for your personal info and/or bank and credit card details. Some scammers might just directly ask for your personal and/or bank details over a call or an SMS.

What you should do

When you receive compelling offers from companies that may seem too-good-to-be-true, verify the offer by calling their official hotlines.

Security information like Password, Passcode, One-Time Password (OTP), Personal Identification Number (PIN), and Card Verification Value (CVV), the 3-digit code found at the back of your card, should not be required to claim a reward or offer. Do not share them with anyone.

Report the incident. Forward the phishing email, caller details, or SMS to your bank or the represented company.

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Adapted from “Claim Your Voucher Scam” 

Rewards Scam Resources

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